Telling Your Parents The News


You’re stunned, actually shocked is more like it. You’re late for your period and pretty sure you are pregnant. Not only is it scary for you, what about your parents? How will you tell them about your pregnancy?

How will your parents respond?

It isn’t much comfort, but many other women have had this same conversation. Like you, they were terrified, overwhelmed. Would their parents be angry? Disappointed? Or would they just cry? Not knowing how they will respond causes more fear sometimes than the message itself.

Are you really pregnant?

Before discussing your pregnancy with your parents, you will want to confirm your pregnancy first. Even if you’ve taken a home pregnancy test, we recommend you get a free clinical urine test at Women’s Center of Ohio. Our tests are extremely accurate. Plus, one of our trained staff members will carefully and confidentially review your test results with you. Be 100% sure before you have that conversation.

After the Pregnancy Test

If your urine pregnancy test is positive, your next step is to have an ultrasound. At the Women’s Center of Ohio, one of our trained medical professionals will provide you with a free ultrasound scan. These scans are vital, no matter what you plan to do about your pregnancy. An ultrasound determines the gestational age (how far along you are) and the viability of the fetus (if there is a heartbeat).

There are Options for Your Pregnancy

Believe it or not, you do have options. A lot of women think the only choice they have with their unexpected pregnancy is abortion. At the Women’s Center of Ohio, one of our staff members will sit and listen to you. We want to hear your hopes and dreams and fears. You can discuss everything from abortion procedures to the adoption process to parenting resources.

Tell Us About Your Parents So We Can Help You

You can even talk about your parents and/or parent. Tell us about their personalities, financial situation, or religious beliefs. As always, everything will be kept in strictest confidence. We want to help you as much as possible before you talk to them.

The Talk

Once you are armed with the information you need, it’s time to have that conversation. There’s never a good time to say, “Oh, by the way, I’m pregnant.” Pick a time when you know you have their undivided attention. Consider using the information you’ll receive from the Center to start the discussion. Address all your options and tell them what you would like to do. It is essential to listen to their fears too, but ultimately you have to be at peace with your final decision.

You Are Not Alone

No matter what choice you make, we’re here for you. The father may not want to be involved, or your parents may be too angry to help you at this time, but you are not alone. We want to take this journey with you.

Deciding About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Regardless of what you’re thinking, an unplanned pregnancy is a life-altering situation. It is real, and it is frightening, but it certainly doesn’t end here. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do. There is hope. You can do this. You can have this conversation, and we will be right there with you.